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Wondering Wayne
Shaman A͜͡h͜͡y͜͡o͜͡k͜͡a͜͡ e҉l҉bey
Shaman A͜͡h͜͡y͜͡o͜͡k͜͡a͜͡ e҉l҉bey
Shaman A͜͡h͜͡y͜͡o͜͡k͜͡a͜͡ e҉l҉bey
Shaman A͜͡h͜͡y͜͡o͜͡k͜͡a͜͡ e҉l҉bey
Shaman A͜͡h͜͡y͜͡o͜͡k͜͡a͜͡ e҉l҉bey
Wondering Wayne
Wondering Wayne
Wondering Wayne
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See, the thing about the Chinese Communist Party and every other communist party to ever hit this fucking earth, they all go the same route. They fuck with somebody bigger than them, or they fuck with a capitalist system that is more economically stable than they are, and then they kill themselves. That's what happens. They fucking collapse. 1991 it happened, it'll happen again. Or we'll bomb the fuck out of them and then they'll collapse for real. So, you know, either or. Fuck them.
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America is Babylon the Great according to the Bible. They prophesied to be destroyed, so all the signs seem like it might be happening at some point. Because Russia, China, and North Korea, they just waiting on something. I don't know what it is, but I'm trying to leave America because I see it. Boy, I see they finna blow this motherfucker up, boy.
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You know what I I agree with you, but I'm not going nowhere. I'll stay right here Because the motherfuckers that's getting ready to blow it up. It's us We're blowing all this shit up Look at this check this out So about three weeks ago with some people from the UK that was on the app and they was mad because they said I don't like Black people y'all messing up the system a perfectly good system. Y'all have messed it up. Ooh You
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which then I had to ask questions what system are you talking about exactly because you live in the UK and we're in America so how is it that what's happening in America is affecting you in the UK? Their statuses have been stripped their classifications, their benefits, their privileges, yeah, yeah
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and with all these foreigners reaching the borders over here in Texas and they being given right of passage inside, refuge, you know, asylums, you know, made us here in America question like hmm what is the big picture here? They're foreigners but they're getting all of these benefits.
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How is this possible? Because they have a nationality. They know from whence they came and United States can't deny that. What about Americans? When did the United States come to be in America? We are people that was always here, right? And they invaded us, so that makes them.
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so that makes them foreign or even us foreign from their jurisdiction. How do we prove that? That America is our inheritance. Our ancestors gave to us where our feet still tread today. We are the offsprings of our ancestors. How do we prove that?
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Hey, sorry for the late response, but I would say our best bet on proving that stuff is following the migration patterns of God's chosen people in the Bible, because according to the Bible, the black people that was brought over here on slave ships, some of the Native American groups and some of these Spanish groups that was taken by the Portuguese are the same people.
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A genealogy test might make it confusing also because it's gonna probably tell you from Africa, Spain, Portugal, something like that. But that's by design because according to Psalms 83 verse 3 through 5, I think it is, it's telling us that they're gonna make sure Israel was never a name no more. That's why them white people over there hid under our nationality to reap whatever benefits we was supposed to get as God's children.
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I was saying it's God's chosen but if we just do what that Bible say I think we got a better shot because it says gather yourself together all nations not desired and the nations does not desire it all across this country in this world all the ones that wouldn't probably is God's chosen people so I mean it's trying far as proving it they took over all eugenics and things
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